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Results 41 - 50 of 582 for "my fmsc story"

Who gets to live?

FMSC partners around the world are bracing for a hunger surge in 2024.

The Feed > News and Updates

The story of 2023

In 2023, we saw tensions grow, wars wear on and record-breaking droughts turn to catastrophic floods. We watched in horror as more and more families found themselves facing impossible choices at the brink of starvation. But there’s so much more to the story.

The Feed > News and Updates

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | November 2023

The most severe and protracted drought in decades

The Feed > From the Field

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | December 2023

Communities submerged under floodwaters since 2021

The Feed > From the Field

Host a MobilePack™ event

Thanks for your interest in hosting an FMSC MobilePack! Feed My Starving Children MobilePack events allow people across the United States to pack life-giving meals.

Get involved > Host a MobilePack Event

Become a speaker or Ambassador

Become an FMSC speaker to speak on topics related to our work, in ways that will inspire, motivate and educate, advocating on behalf of starving children.

Get involved > Become a Speaker or Ambassador