The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

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No Borders: FMSC Meals Reach South Sudan

No Borders: FMSC Meals Reach South Sudan

Around 7 million people in South Sudan are facing acute food shortages, and more than 20,000 are close to famine.

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MarketPlace: Q&A with Darguens from Vi Bella

MarketPlace: Q&A with Darguens from Vi Bella

Vi Bella's mission is centered on providing a path out of poverty.

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In Guatemala: Study Abroad Empowers FMSC Staff

In Guatemala: Study Abroad Empowers FMSC Staff

My main prayer is that you all see the people of Guatemala through the eyes of Jesus.

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Kids Make a Difference - at Home and Abroad

Kids Make a Difference - at Home and Abroad

Denis attributes the feeding program at Feed The Hungry for keeping him away from gang activity, violence and drugs.

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Hope is Greater Because of You: 2018/19 Annual Report

Hope is Greater Because of You: 2018/19 Annual Report

We recently finished our annual report for 2018/19, and it’s full of stories of hope about feeding kids, feeding spirits and empowering communities.

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