The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

Packing, prison — and peace

Packing, prison — and peace

On August 5–6, FMSC staff worked alongside men incarcerated at the Marshall County Correctional Facility in Holly Springs, Mississippi, to pack over 130,000 meals.

two men palletize boxes of FMSC food

This was the third MobilePack™ event held at that facility — the first two occurring in 2018 and 2019 and providing a total of over 215,000 meals. Meal that in turn have changed lives in Malawi and Haiti.

So far, FMSC has held 21 MobilePack events in correctional facilities and juvenile detention centers around the United States. These events have provided over 1.7 million meals and have been incredibly impactful for all involved: from FMSC staff to those that have packed the meals to correctional facility staff — and certainly to the donors that helped to make these events happen through their generosity.

Semi-trailer parked alongside security fence at Marshall County Correctional Facility

The Marshall County event represents so much more than simply a MobilePack in a community. Correctional facility packing events have the ability to emphasize the understanding that FMSC packing events have the power to bless people on both sides of the meals packed. Those who receive the meals receive lifechanging nutrition — praise the Lord! Those who pack the food, volunteers who say: “yes, I can serve,” have the potential to receive the peace that comes from giving to those in need.

This peace-giving experience seems to amplify within the walls of a correctional facility.

Here are some quotes from the FMSC team members who were humbled to be part of this amazing MobilePack event:

“I truly believe that this event moved them to another level of rehabilitation. Whew ... I can't tell you how blessed and honored I am to participate in the event.” — Rick

“The Holy Spirit flooded the room, and this opportunity created immeasurable amounts of positive ripples within us, and around us.” — Maddie

“Despite their circumstances, it’s opportunities like these that stabilize a reason for reform for them, a reminder of what they are capable of.” — Maddie

“These guys would have done anything to make sure this event went without issue. This event was so lifechanging for me when I got to speak with these guys.” — Daniel

“I had no idea what sort of environment the team and I were walking into. I was prepared for anything and prepared and prepped the team to ensure they were supported and ready as well. But I was not prepared for what actually happened! I encountered a group of men with broken and fragmented pasts coming together as a team to serve others with joy and gratitude.” — Dana (Event Supervisor)

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