The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

From the Field

In Liberia: 'They Choose to Act'

In Liberia: 'They Choose to Act'

When I asked partners why they do what they do, they explained it in the simplest terms, “I see a need in my community, and I am choosing to do something about it.”

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In Liberia: Ebola, Healing and What Makes Us Complete

In Liberia: Ebola, Healing and What Makes Us Complete

Recently, three FMSC staff landed in Liberia for the first time since Ebola shut the country down, secluding it from the rest of world.

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A Bleak Future Turned Bright

A Bleak Future Turned Bright

Five years ago, Gerald and his younger sister Deyling weren’t expected to live.

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Alex From the Philippines

Alex From the Philippines

The family quickly became very malnourished. They had little hope for help.

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In Haiti: Spiritual and Physical Hunger

In Haiti: Spiritual and Physical Hunger

“Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” –John 6:35

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