The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | April 2024

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | April 2024

Each meal you pack, fund and pray over equips FMSC partners to do transformative work around the world. Hunger relief is usually just part of what our partners do — but food is the foundation for so much more.

Colombia | South America

A Colombian artisan makes products for FMSC MarketPlace

Total population displaced by conflict: 8.4 million (World Food Programme)

Nearly six decades of internal conflict have deeply affected the social structure in Colombia. A peace agreement was reached in 2016 but former conflict zones still bear the brunt of the tumult. Armed conflict continues to be a major factor in Colombian food insecurity.

Despite its classification as an upper-middle-income nation, Colombia harbors pockets of extreme poverty, notably in the Cordoba province, where a staggering 70% of residents struggle with food insecurity. Across the country, 13 million individuals confront varying degrees of food insecurity, with 43% of households reporting difficulties accessing adequate nourishment in recent months.

Adding to these challenges, Colombia is home to almost 3 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants. FMSC partners work with vulnerable groups in Colombia, navigating the complexities of displacement and food insecurity for both native Colombians and those who have fled Venezuela.

FMSC food is used to support our partners’ work in Colombia, including:

  • Vocational and agricultural training
  • Clean water programs
  • Microfinance opportunities

Featured partner: Food for the Poor


102.9 million meals shipped so far in 2024 (January–March)

That's enough to feed 282,044 kids a daily meal for a full year!


FMSC Marketplace™ partner Hearts of Hope employs 50 women through their artisan program. These artisans, members of the Wayúu tribe, weave intricate mochila bags with vibrant cotton threads.


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