The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

In Liberia: 'They Choose to Act'

In Liberia: 'They Choose to Act'

Moriah Otto is an international programs representative at Feed My Starving Children. She spent four years as a team leader. Here she reflects on her first trip with FMSC to Liberia and Ghana. Read more reflections from this trip HERE.

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” –1 Corinthians 15:58

Unshaken faithfulness and an undeniable servant’s heart.

If you asked me to describe our partners who have experienced more turmoil, despair, and adversity in their lifetimes than I can even comprehend, that is how I would sum it up.

The leaders of these orphanages, schools, and clinics radiate an unshaken faithfulness paired with an undeniable servant’s heart.

When I asked partners why they do what they do, they explained it in the simplest terms, “I see a need in my community, and I am choosing to do something about it.”

They choose to act.

Having been a team leader for almost four years, I have shared the story of FMSC more times than I can count. But for the first time since I began working at FMSC, I had the opportunity to visit some of our partners in Liberia and Ghana, and the stories of our partners came to life in a whole new way.

Instead of organizations, they became individuals, each with a unique story. They became friends and family. With every interaction, I felt a permanent smile spread across my face and my heart being transformed.

While in Liberia, I observed the resilient response our partners had to the Ebola outbreak.

New Hope Clinic and Church, FMSC’s indirect partner through International Children’s Fund, shared their story of selfless and steadfast love.

During the peak of the Ebola outbreak, schools were shut down. New Hope Church responded by serving three FMSC meals a day out of their church to more than 150 children in the surrounding community.

By offering these children food, they were able to keep them safe and confined in an environment otherwise chaotic and uncertain.

The inspirational testimonies only continued as we traveled to Obanda, a rural community in Eastern Ghana.

FMSC’s partnership with Ghana Christian Mission began more than a year ago as we began providing food to four rural schools.

Before FMSC started providing meals, students who could afford it would go out and buy their lunch and rarely return to school afterward. Those who didn’t have the means went hungry.

As we arrived at Obanda School, we were greeted with countless welcomes, a parade of running children, and a group of 25 community elders.

What struck me most was the community involvement that surrounded this feeding program. We listened to teachers and elders talk about the rising attendance in the primary school and the overwhelming ownership this community was taking.

There are close to ten women from the community who volunteer every single day to cook for over 550 students — talk about selfless.

Each and every community, child, leader and elder has a story. FMSC food allows our partners to continue writing their stories — stories that spark inspiration and exemplify a servant’s heart.

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