The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | August 2024

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | August 2024

Hurricane Season & Hunger: A Dire Connection

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Packing, prison — and peace

Packing, prison — and peace

On August 5–6, FMSC staff worked alongside men incarcerated at the Marshall County Correctional Facility in Holly Springs, Mississippi, to pack over 130,000 meals.

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This we believe

This we believe

Every August, the FMSC Board of Directors sets aside one day to fast and pray together. This year’s FMSC Day of Prayer and Fasting is August 22 with the theme “This we believe.” We invite all FMSC supporters to join us in spirit.

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Maritza's story: How food support stops trafficking

Maritza's story: How food support stops trafficking

When Maritza* first met her trafficker, she was a 19-year-old single mother with no job and no support system. Traffickers prey on vulnerability, and Maritza was a target.

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FMSC Hunger Bulletin | July 2024

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | July 2024

Hunger and human trafficking

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