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Results 231 - 240 of 582 for "my fmsc story"

This is FMSC: Feeding spirits

Our mission is to feed God’s children, hungry in body and spirit.

The Feed > From the Field

This is FMSC: Feeding kids

Food is the foundation for so much more.

The Feed > From the Field

Stories from Ukraine

The war in Ukraine has displaced millions of families and sparked a food crisis across the globe. Each of these refugees has a story. And every 24-cent meal you pack, fund and pray over means so much to them.

The Feed > From the Field

Update from Afghanistan: The Bayat Foundation

Hunger is reaching staggeringly high levels in Afghanistan. FMSC partner the Bayat Foundation is getting food right where it’s needed most.

The Feed > From the Field

Hope for the long haul: Jocel’s story

Four days after Jocel’s husband died, Super Typhoon Rai made landfall in the Philippines. She was raising five small kids, suddenly alone. And when the typhoon struck, Jocel didn’t just feel like the world was crashing down around her — it actually was.

The Feed > From the Field

Earthquake in Afghanistan

On June 22, Afghanistan was rocked by the deadliest earthquake the country has seen in decades. Headlines have already slowed as the world moves on — but FMSC partners are there for the long haul.

The Feed > From the Field

Did you know? | Project Based Food Assistance (PBFA)

FMSC uses Project Based Food Assistance (PBFA) to partner with communities to achieve a big goal: sustainable, locally driven and community-led food security.

The Feed > From the Field

A [Virtual] Food In Action Trip to Nicaragua

In Esteli, Nicaragua, FMSC partner Feed The Hungry has established a feeding program in one of the largest garbage dumps in the country.

The Feed > From the Field

Update from Haiti: “The destruction is more than words can describe”

FMSC has been in Haiti for more than two decades. The road ahead is long, but we’re not leaving — and we know you aren’t either.

The Feed > From the Field