The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

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My FMSC Story: Jess

My FMSC Story: Jess

My FMSC story is a story only God could orchestrate. He led me here, and every day I get to tell stories of hope – because of you.

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The Power of Food in Nicaragua: School Meals Bring Hope

The Power of Food in Nicaragua: School Meals Bring Hope

Meet Milagros, a school principal in Nicaragua who sees the difference FMSC meals make in her students.

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Double Hope for the Hungry

Double Hope for the Hungry

Because every child matters, we humbly ask you to give a meaningful gift today.

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500 Miles for Kids

500 Miles for Kids

This incredible couple not only wanted to feed as many kids as possible through this pilgrimage but they wanted to introduce people to FMSC’s mission

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The Power of Food in Nicaragua: A Holistic Approach to Education

The Power of Food in Nicaragua: A Holistic Approach to Education

Fabretto's holistic approach to education involves the entire community.

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