The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

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'My Cup Runneth Over...'

'My Cup Runneth Over...'

Rina's son gave her a very special gift for her birthday.

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You Restored Their Hope for Survival

You Restored Their Hope for Survival

Marie’s three-week old son, St. Luk, had spiked a fever of 103. He was really struggling.

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One Church. Eight Years. Two Million Meals.

One Church. Eight Years. Two Million Meals.

This group is a beautiful reminder that each person, each scoop of rice, each meal packedmatters.

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Go Back to School with FMSC

Go Back to School with FMSC

With our Back to School Kit, you can take your passion for feeding kids to school with you, while providing meals for students around the world!

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In Haiti: Love in Action

In Haiti: Love in Action

So here I am, riding away from my first experience actually handing out the food to those who need it most.

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