The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

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'She Left Devastation in Her Wake'

'She Left Devastation in Her Wake'

One year ago, a cyclone with Category 5 winds made a direct hit to Vanuatu, the archipelago Tanna belongs to.

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Trivia that Feeds Kids

Trivia that Feeds Kids

We can officially add trivia night to the long list of creative ways people have raised money to feed kids.

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Anite's Daisies

Anite's Daisies

From her daisy sales, Anite has not only been able to provide for her family, she has also been able to employ another talented mother from her community!

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Thank You, Twin Cities!

Thank You, Twin Cities!

Thousands of you showed up to MobilePack™ events across the Twin Cities in January and February to pack close to 8 million meals!

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You Help Girls Grow into Strong Women

You Help Girls Grow into Strong Women

Your involvement with Feed My Starving Children is empowering girls around the world.

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