The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

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Five Moms Around the World to Celebrate

Five Moms Around the World to Celebrate

“It’s stories like [these] that remind me every single day why we do this work, why FMSC exists. It’s to turn the ache a mother feels when she can’t feed her hungry children into HOPE. This is our goal for all mothers.” – Mark Crea, Executive Director and CEO

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You Made Their Miracle Possible

You Made Their Miracle Possible

Because of you, this young mother doesn’t have to face the unimaginable horror of watching her children starve to death.

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In Illinois: Sharing Our Gifts

In Illinois: Sharing Our Gifts

"I...wanted to make a difference in others’ lives and build bridges to connect people of different cultural and faith backgrounds. Hosting a MobilePack seemed like a perfect way to reach all of these goals."

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In Cuba: Jose's Network

In Cuba: Jose's Network

Margarita is not alone in her passionate care of her grandchildren. There is a network of caring adults in every community that receives the support of FMSC meals.

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In El Salvador: 'My Daughter is My Everything'

In El Salvador: 'My Daughter is My Everything'

It’s easy to forget that sometimes when we focus on circumstance. Because our circumstances can be very different, but that doesn’t mean that we are.

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