The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

More Stories:

From Illinois to Tanzania

From Illinois to Tanzania

Rich Rosenberg’s is a story that winds through Illinois and Tanzania and back again with thousands of shoes and boxes of MannaPack Rice.™

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In Honduras: A Father's Love

In Honduras: A Father's Love

Marco Antonio has four children ages three to 10. He provides for them by selling popcorn at bus stops.

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'That's Not Enough, Mom'

'That's Not Enough, Mom'

This is Ella’s second year selling plants to raise money for hungry kids around the world.

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Through Her Eyes

Through Her Eyes

This is not a real-life situation, but it’s from the perspective of a mother who could very easily be in a very similar situation in one of the countries that receives FMSC meals.

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The Firstfruits of the Harvest

The Firstfruits of the Harvest

In starting this business, an important piece for the couple was the charitable side.

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