The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

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Kids Make a Difference - at Home and Abroad

Kids Make a Difference - at Home and Abroad

Denis attributes the feeding program at Feed The Hungry for keeping him away from gang activity, violence and drugs.

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Nelson is a Walking Miracle

Nelson is a Walking Miracle

You have been part of Nelson's story from the beginning. His transformation happened because of you.

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In Atlanta: Serving with Love

In Atlanta: Serving with Love

This year FMSC was one of over 100 partners Passion City Church joined with to offer service projects.

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In Richardson: Celebrating a Year of Impact

In Richardson: Celebrating a Year of Impact

In this first year we have seen businesses, churches and schools unite for one cause – feeding kids.

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In the Philippines: Louise's Story

In the Philippines: Louise's Story

Thanks to our partner Convoy of Hope's school feeding program, Louise is able to attend school with the guarantee of a regular hot meal.

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