The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

Katie Koranda

Katie Koranda

Senior Content Specialist

As the Senior Content Specialist at Feed My Starving Children, Katie leads content strategy for FMSC. She has a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia College Chicago and has worked for news media in Chicago and the Twin Cities. She is passionate about telling stories of hope in an effort to feed more kids.


In Nicaragua: From a 'Slow Death' to Life

In Nicaragua: From a 'Slow Death' to Life

Our overseas partners, like Samaritan’s International, share FMSC's mission to feed kids in body and spirit.

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Recycling that Feeds Kids

Recycling that Feeds Kids

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” – Desmond Tutu

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No Borders: FMSC Meals Changing Lives in Burundi

No Borders: FMSC Meals Changing Lives in Burundi

This post is part of a series about Feed My Starving Children meals reaching hard to reach places.

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MannaPack Potato-D and a Children's Hospital in El Salvador

MannaPack Potato-D and a Children's Hospital in El Salvador

Food is one way hospital staff control Paola’s symptoms, which is all that can be done for Werdnig-Hoffman – a disease with no cure.

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Noah's Kindness Project

Noah's Kindness Project

“The world needs more love and concern for others,” Angie said. “Noah and his story brought it out in so many.”

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