Meet Our MarketPlace Artisans

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

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Meet Our MarketPlace Artisans

Meet Our MarketPlace Artisans

Meghan Howard is the retail operations specialist at Feed My Starving Children.

The FMSC MarketPlace was started in 2008 as a way to connect volunteers to individuals living in communities receiving FMSC food.

Since then, it has grown to include 17 artisan partners from six different countries. We are thrilled to bring you their stories through a new page on our online MarketPlace called “Meet the Artisans.”

These stories are amazing, inspiring, and joyful and we want to share them with you!

Each month, additional artisan stories will be added for you to enjoy or share with someone you have bought a one-of-a-kind gift for. It is important for volunteers and customers to remember the impact their purchase made and to continue to support artisans like Claudy, S’bonga, Betty and Teresa, who will tell you what a single purchase means to them and their families.

The choice to purchase a handmade item might seem simple, but it makes a huge difference in the lives of FMSC artisan partners.

It means economic growth in the community receiving meals and sustaining the livelihoods of now hundreds of artisans who find dignity and hope through the sale of their craft.

Whether the connection is made through a recycled magazine necklace from Uganda, fresh coffee beans from Nicaragua, or a handmade clay mug from Haiti – the impact is the same — volunteers hold an item in their hand that was made with skill and creativity by an artisan who can hope for a better future!

Above: each country on our Meet the Artisans page includes a graphic providing context about that country and FMSC’s relationship with them.

Visit the Meet the Artisans page and print out the stories to give along with your gifts so your friends and family can also meet the individual whose skill provided them with a beautiful piece of jewelry, a fresh cup of morning coffee or their wonderful wedding gift!

We hope you will be as inspired as we are by the resilience, talent and ingenuity of the artisans we are honored to promote at FMSC!

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