The Feed

Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | August 2024

FMSC Hunger Bulletin | August 2024

Each meal you pack, fund and pray over equips FMSC partners to do transformative work around the world. Hunger relief is usually just part of what our partners do — but food is the foundation for so much more.

The Caribbean

children sitting around a table

Hunger in the Caribbean is an ongoing challenge, exacerbated by the region's vulnerability to natural disasters. The Caribbean faces high levels of poverty and food insecurity, with many communities relying on agriculture as their main source of food and income. However, hurricanes frequently devastate crops, leading to immediate food shortages and skyrocketing food prices.

In Haiti, for example, nearly half of the population — about 4.7 million people — face acute food insecurity. The destruction of farmland during hurricane season only worsens this situation, making recovery even more difficult.

Across the region, the combination of economic instability, high unemployment and frequent natural disasters creates a cycle of poverty and hunger that is hard to break.

FMSC food is distributed by our network of partners across the Caribbean. Since 2009, FMSC has sent more than 1.5 billion meals to the Caribbean. This food has been used to support the work of dozens of our partners, including:

  • Clean water projects
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Microenterprise initiatives

Featured partners: Food for the Poor, Cross Catholic Outreach, Cross International


221.1 million meals shipped so far in 2024 (January–July)

That's enough to feed 605,930 kids a daily meal for a full year!

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