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Results 51 - 60 of 582 for "my fmsc story"

COVID-19 Update: How FMSC Partners are Impacted

The World Food Programme is predicting a "hunger pandemic" caused by COVID-19. What does this look like in the communities that FMSC serves?

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COVID-19: A Global Snapshot

A look at how FMSC food partners are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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FMSC Expands Alternative Packing Solutions

While volunteers can't pack FMSC meals amid the COVID-19 outbreak, FMSC is partnering with correctional facilities and machine packing companies to pack meals.

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We Won’t Stand Still. Anything is Possible with God.

While volunteers can't pack FMSC meals amid the COVID-19 outbreak, FMSC and Karlsburger Foods Inc are partnering to produce FMSC meals in bulk.

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Innovation and Hope in a Minnesota Prison

Feed My Starving Children is partnering with a Minnesota correctional facility to continue the packing of meals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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‘He who called us’: FMSC's 2019/20 Annual Report

Feed My Starving Children's 2019-20 Annual Report

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