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Results 111 - 120 of 582 for "my fmsc story"

Food in action: Zaqueo’s story

When Zaqueo was 11, he’d been getting in trouble and was recently expelled from school when a friend invited him to a soccer skills program. The program included a warm meal of MannaPack® Rice and Zaqueo was hungry, so he went. Now 15, Zaqueo says that decision changed his life.

The Feed > Success Stories

Food in action: Esther’s story

Esther and her family live in Haiti one of the most food-insecure places on the planet — where nearly half of families are living in acute hunger, many on the brink of starvation.

The Feed > Success Stories

YOU Helped FMSC Reach a Milestone

It took 25 years and a rededication to the Lord for Feed My Starving Children to reach 1 billion meals produced and given to God’s starving children.

The Feed > News and Updates > YOU Helped FMSC Reach a Milestone