The Feed
Stories of Feeding God's Children Hungry in Body & Spirit
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." – John 14:18
Malawi is home to more than one million children orphaned by HIV-Aids. Feed My Starving Children partner, Feed The Hungry, works to respond to the needs created by the epidemic.The organization’s work extends past feeding 25,000 children as part of daily feeding programs in public schools into caring for those affected by the HIV-Aids crisis.
Feed The Hungry has identified 27 child-headed homes in Malawi. Due to different factors including HIV-Aids, these children have found themselves without parents or adult family members to care for them.
FTH works with village elders to coordinate shelter and protection for the families and ensures they receive MannaPack Rice™ meals. Each month, a FTH representative visits the home to provide spiritual guidance and make sure everyone is healthy.
More than Meals
HIV-Aids has been devastating for the social landscape of rural Malawi. While the government has made efforts to supply HIV suppression medication, little is offered for emotional and spiritual support.That’s where FTH comes in. The organization provides emotional and spiritual support for 31 HIV-Aids support communities.
Typically, a community will consist of 25 to 30 members that are HIV active along with their families. This totals 100 to 120 people.
These groups gather every two weeks for mutual encouragement and practical instruction on navigating their difficult situations.
The FTH team in Malawi attends these meetings to offer support, spiritual guidance and provide meals to ensure that proper nutrition is supporting the HIV suppression drugs.
One project that FTH Malawi is currently coordinating is supplying eight bicycle ambulances for the most rural of these groups. This will allow transportation to medical care facilities for members of the community unable make the long walks.
At the start of this year, FTH set out to distribute 10,000 copies of the Bible in Malawi in a new translation into modern Chichewa language. Previous editions of the Bible were difficult to read translations from the early 1900s.
With a dedicated team of workers with a specific mission to see hungry people fed, churches empowered and sharing the hope that comes through Jesus, FTH continues to look for great ministry results in Malawi.
Hope is Greater
Hope is greater than conflict. It’s greater than drought and famine and disease. It’s greater than earthquakes and hurricanes. It’s greater than poverty. And it’s greater than hunger.
Thank you for believing this. Every time you put on a hairnet and pack meals or write a check or drop a quarter in a bucket, you are saying, "Yes. Hope IS greater."
What you do makes a difference. We need you more than ever as conflicts and natural disasters continue to wreak havoc in the lives of children around the world.
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