Fully Invested
Special Good Friday packing sessions!

Feed kids. Fund meals.
Be Fully Invested.
For these sessions only,* each volunteer is required to bring a $63 donation per person or $189 per household** on the day you pack.
Give by cash, check or credit.
Good Friday
Friday, April 18, 2025
* Normally we don't require a donation; however, several times a year we give you the chance to become "Fully Invested" by funding the meals you pack. If you are unable to invest financially, you can sign up for one of our regular sessions here
**Household refers to the members of a family living under one roof.
Thank you for volunteering to pack with us. To ensure the safety of our volunteers, staff and the food we pack, please do not come to volunteer if you have any new or unexplained symptoms indicative of contagious illness or food-borne diseases. Click here for a list of symptoms
Reserve your Fully Invested packing session today!
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{% location.Event.Event_Number %} {% location.Event.Name %} View Details
{% location.Location.Name %} View Details
- {% location.Location.Address_Line_1 %}, {% location.Location.City %}, {% location.State.Abbreviation %} {% location.Location.Zip %} View Map
- {% location.Location.Name %}
{% location.Location.Address_Line_1 %}, {% location.Location.City %}, {% location.State.Abbreviation %} {% location.Location.Zip %} View Map - {% location.Contact.Phone %}
{% formatDateTime(day.date) %}
{% shift.Open_Spots %} {% shift.Open_Spots | pluralize('Spot') %} Available
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...and they will do even greater things than these...
Fully Invested contact